
Energy Efficient Scotland: consultation on further development of the programme

The consultation seeks to gather evidence which could support a change to the proposed timeframe to deliver standards for all properties across Scotland in an achievable and realistic way.

Ministerial Foreword

Kevin Stewart MSP, Minister for Housing, Local Government and Planning Paul Wheelhouse MSP, Minister for Energy, Connectivity and the Islands

Last year we published the Energy Efficient Scotland Route Map and launched the Energy Efficient Scotland Transition Programme, which is delivering real measures on the ground, helping tackle fuel poverty and reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

Since then we have consulted stakeholders on our proposals, debated them in Parliament and have allocated £145million in the 2019/20 budget for the delivery of Energy Efficient Scotland. In addition, our Fuel Poverty Bill is making its way through parliament. The bill aims are to set a target relating to the eradication of fuel poverty and to create a new definition of fuel poverty; and to mandate the production of a Fuel Poverty Strategy.

Energy Efficient Scotland is committed to delivering energy efficiency improvements to all properties across Scotland. To do this, and in advance of the first review of the Programme, we are considering the long-term plan of delivery, to make sure we get the best balance of improvements to properties, driving down prices and wider economic benefits and the creation of jobs through appropriate support for local supply chains.

We promised to look again at the proposed targets and their implementation, and to seek views and gather evidence on whether Energy Efficient Scotland can be accelerated and how the risks of doing so can be overcome as well as to realise any opportunities from this.

Whether we're delivering over two decades or just one, quality must come first. We must build on our existing programmes and learn lessons from elsewhere. We're pleased to welcome the recommendations of the industry-led Quality Assurance Short Life Working Group and are now seeking wider views on their recommendations to help inform the design of a future quality assurance framework.

As well as seeking further evidence on the target date, this consultation also sets out the suite of legislation we are beginning to prepare to support the delivery of Energy Efficient Scotland. This includes a Heat Networks Bill as well as secondary legislation setting minimum energy efficiency standards for homes in the private rented sector, revised energy efficiency standards for non-domestic properties and steps to place Local Heat and Energy Efficiency Strategies on a statutory footing. Later this year we will publish our proposals for how we will support and require action in owner occupied homes.

Energy Efficient Scotland, as well as improving the fabric of our homes and buildings, will also support the development of heat networks that supply low carbon and affordable heat to households and organisations across Scotland. We already provide a range of support for district heating through the District Heating Loan Fund and the Low Carbon Infrastructure Transition Programme and are seeking views on what further support the sector needs.

We have always said that making our homes and buildings warmer, greener and more energy efficient is a shared endeavour and we're pleased that we can continue this conversation. We encourage you to respond to this consultation and look forward to hearing your views.

Kevin Stewart MSP
Minister for Housing, Local Government and Planning

Paul Wheelhouse MSP
Minister for Energy, Connectivity and the Islands

Our Vision, By 2040 our homes and buildings are warmer, greener and more efficient



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